Dear Disciples Church Extension Fund Family and Ministry Partners,
I’m writing to inform you that, effective the end of August, I will be stepping down as president and CEO. This decision was not taken lightly. It was made after prayerful consideration and discerning the will of God for my life in this season.
Our first ministry in life is to our family and mine needs my full attention right now.
Please know that it has been an honor to serve this ministry for the past 12 ½ years, and especially as its president and CEO for the last 2 ½ years.
From a small prayer to God some 14 years ago asking to find my path that will utilize my financial mind, banker’s IQ, and accounting skills for God’s glory in His kingdom, I could not have imagined that a church financial ministry even existed.
My time here has taught me resilience and perseverance. I have been blessed by the countless people that God brought to this journey with me. I am grateful for your support.
You have made our work possible. Your contributions have been invaluable, supporting our mission to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
I leave behind a very capable and resilient staff worthy of your continued investment and partnership. They will do amazing things. I look forward to seeing how God leads this ministry forward.
The board of directors is currently working on the next steps to appoint a new president and CEO. In the meantime, an interim president and CEO will be selected to guide the important work of this ministry.
Thank you for allowing me to serve alongside you. Please keep us in your prayers now and always.
Belinda R. King
President and CEO
- Established a strategic plan, accomplished year 1 goals, and set structure processes
- Increased net assets by over $2M
- Had a record year for loans closed ($26.7M+) and investments made ($25.8M+)
- Continued the New Ways into the World endowment campaign and is currently more than 70% to goal