For more than 140 years, we have helped congregations and ministries thrive because of charitable gifts from generous donors like you. Your financial contributions—no matter the size—allow us to work closely with congregations who seek to revitalize and maximize their facilities for life-giving mission and ministry. By making a donation, you support local churches that are creating Holy Places where people connect with God, each other, and the community. Join us today, as we walk alongside congregations who are using their capital resources to love, serve, and witness to each other.
Donate online, by phone: call 800.274.1883 (English) or 866.534.1949 (en Espanol), by mail: send your check to PO Box 7030, Indianapolis, IN 46207, or in one of these other tax-deductible ways:
Leave a legacy of long-term support through our planned giving and endowment/permanent fund services.
Become an investor and use your investments to make charitable contributions that move ministry forward.
Donate by transferring your stock investments. You'll avoid paying capital gains tax and receive a tax deduction.
Become the next faithful iteration of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and join our campaign to provide services for the long haul.
Use your charitable savings account to recommend us for a grant to make an immediate impact.
If you're 70½ years old and older, an IRA charitable rollover of up to $105,000 annually can be given without paying income tax.
“I believe in the mission of Disciples Church Extension Fund and I don’t want to wait until I die for my support to be realized. When I had the privilege of serving on this board, I was blessed to work with colleagues of great vision and integrity. I am proud to join so many others in supporting this vital ministry.”
Rev. Nancy Brink
Orange, CA